Provide conduit for Winnebago County immigrants and minority business owners to understand and submit relief options available to combat COVID-19 pandemic. Ensure that language barriers do not exclude those eligible for relief to file with the appropriate program.
Understand the stimulus checks requirements and eligibility.
Assist in filing necessary tax returns for those who traditionally do not need to file return.
Assist 1099 employees and sole proprietor with SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) applications.
Direct individuals to support options available either locally, statewide or at the federal level.
Ensure individuals receiving any support understand the documentation and record keeping they may need to maintain under the programs they access.
Assist with post-relief documentation submission.
Minority Businesses
Explore business support options available at the local, state or federal level and direct businesses to the appropriate program.
Assist businesses in gathering necessary documentation.
Educate businesses on relief program availability, record keeping needs and repayment requirements.
Assist businesses in filing for relief program.
Follow-up support for post-relief documentation submission.
Emotional Support
Facilitate mentoring program for individuals and businesses to learn from each other and exchange ideas of how to handle anxiety and day-today living during pandemic.
Provide educational resources and webinars
Continuously adjusting and modifying program as needed.
Program Name: Maintain Hope
Provide conduit for Winnebago County immigrants and minority business owners to understand and submit relief options available to combat COVID-19 pandemic. Ensure that language barriers do not exclude those eligible for relief to file with the appropriate program.
Minority Businesses
Emotional Support
Continuously adjusting and modifying program as needed.